Monday, June 28, 2004

ALA continued

ALA is huge! I spent two days but could not go for all. That is amazing! Last night, we went to Universal Movie Theater and had a lot of funs. I dare not to go back although i really appreciate technology and innovation at the movie shows. Tonight, I will see the 9-11 Farenheight, a controversy movie. Let me see and tell you later, Bye


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anh Khoi--did you go see Farenheit 9/11? What did you think? I really liked his earlier movies, 'Bowling for Columbine' and 'Roger and Me.' Once at a National Press Club luncheon I submitted a questiong asking if then-WTO director Michael Moore was any relation to the film-maker M. Moore, but I don't think they saw the humor in that.

    By the way, try to have lunch or dinner at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritvaille restaurant if you have a chance.

    It is just outside of Universal. Have a cheeseburger and a beer--it's a prerequisite, I think!
