I spent last weekend to train 39 business executives in Tuy Hoa City in two topics, “Problem solving and decision making” and “The arts of business leadership.”
At the beginning of the first course, class was divided into seven groups. Each of executive was asked to think about three problems they are facing at the workplaces and discussed with their group members to select the most critical single problem for the whole group to solve using new problem solving techniques.
The first session went through with much of frustration from more than a haft of class members. Some participants told that they did not understand what the trainer wanted to do. However, the second session and the second course went well and everyone spoke highly about the courses after all.
We are talking about educational reforms to change the ways we run our work. However, change isn’t easy! I trained people what I was taught from American business school. I hope that I will do more teaching work to lead change, to transform Vietnamese business communities. Change is the key to our future!